Tom Lyle is an American comic designer who first appeared in DC comics with the Starman series written by Roger Stern. Lyle continued to work in DC creating the first limited series starring Robin. The success of the series led to the creation of the series Robin II: Joker’s Wild and Robin III: Cry of the Huntress.
Together with screenwriter Chuck Dixon they co-created the character of Electrocutioner in Detective Comics # 644 and Stephanie Brown in Detective Comics # 647. Later with Mark Waid they made The Comet series for Impact imprint. Lyle continued his career at Marvel by creating characters such as Annex that appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man Annual # 27. He was also one of the designers of the “Maximum Carnage” and “Clone Saga” series. During his tenure at Amazing Spider-Man he created the character of the Scarlet Spider. Other work he has done with Marvel is The Punisher vol. 3 and the Warlock series he wrote himself.