Already considered an artist of historic proportions for the italian Disney comics, Silvia Ziche counts an important number of collaborations during her career: having made her start in the legendary comics magazine “Linus” in 1987, she collaborated with the italian magazines “Cuore”, “Smemoranda”, “Topolino”, “Comix”, “Musica” (supplement of the italian newspaper “Repubblica”) and, since 2006, she collaborates with “Donna Moderna”. Her work’s presence in bookstores is also notable, given that countless comics albums with her design have been published, rendering her one of italian comics’ most important representatives, with her personal character “Lucrezia” meeting a big publishing success for the last 20 years. Among others she is known for her hilarious Disney comics, such as “Papernovela – Il papero del mistero”, “Topokolossal”, “Il Grande Splash” and “La rapina del millennio” or “Diabolik: Fuori dagli schermi” and “Diabolik: Sottosopra”.
Silvia Ziche’s presence in AthensCon2024 takes place in association with DocMZ Publishing.